The strongest series-produced trucks There´s no trick to speed

Die stärksten Serien-Lkw, Vergleichstest, Mercedes, Scania, Volvo Foto: Karl-Heinz Augustin 20 Bilder

Although the driver´s cabs are painted in Germany´s colors of black, red and gold here, two of the three most powerful European tractors are actually from Sweden: a comparison between the super trucks.

It´s a world of difference in Formula One racing but amounts to nothing in day-to-day trucking: the Volvo FH16-750´s lead over the Scania R730 after one day of driving and a total of 455.4 kilometers on the test route is 35 seconds. nevertheless wanted to know which European tractor could claim the pole position for itself, and pitted the two Swedes and the currently most powerful Mercedes Actros against each other in a match of strength. When it comes to the standard power output for 40-ton trucks, particularly the Scania R730 and the Volvo FH16-750 play in an entirely different league. By comparison, the Mercedes Actros 1863 seems almost feeble at first glance.

The question of why the most powerful trucks traditionally come from Sweden cannot be answered definitively. Some say it´s the gross vehicle weight of up to 60 tons. Others say its the competition between Volvo and Scania. The second group is probably right. After all, the two Swedish manufacturers have been outdoing each other in terms of power ever since the late sixties. This period saw the first Scania V8 with 350 hp and 126 kpm of torque. Its competitor was named the Volvo F89; it had an output of 330 hp but one kpm more torque. It was therefore difficult to answer the question of which one was stronger. The Scania had more power; the Volvo had more torque. Over the ensuing years, Volvo was ahead, then Scania, then Volvo again, etc.

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Technische Daten
Volvo FH16 750 Globetrotter XL Mercedes-Benz Actros 1863 LS Gigaspace Scania R 730 Topline
Preis Testfahrzeug 135.000,- € 125.000,- € 135.000,- €
Motorbauart Reihenmotor Reihenmotor V-Motor
Außenlänge 2.260 mm
Außenhöhe 3.610 mm
Kraftstoff Diesel Diesel Diesel
Tankinhalt 940.00 l
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