Astrata focusing on Wearable Bracelet keeps drivers healthier

Das Wearable "Fit to Perform" von Astrata. Foto: Astrata

At the IAA the telematics service provider Astrata, formerly known as Qualcomm, takes a look into the future. When attaching a wearable to the wrist, truck drivers are supposed to stay healthier and thus driving more safely.

Wearables are very fashionable. But the fitness bracelet "Fit to Perform" which telematics service provider Astrata presents in cooperation with the Institute for Innovation and Technology EIT Digital at the IAA Commercial Vehicles Trade Fair 2016, goes far beyond a pedometer with puls monitoring.

"Legal basis is still lacking. Additionally data protection has to be clarified", says Astrata’s sales manager Rüdiger Schallock. Nevertheless, these functional prototypes show what kind of possibilities concerning healthiness and safety are still waiting to be opened up.

Wearable allows statements about state of health

The Wearable measures the temperature of the skin, the galvanic skin response (sweat) and the heart rate variability – all data that tell you about the physical condition of the driver. Therefore, the system can make statements about the state of health and the driver’s sleep. It can draw the conclusion from the measured data that e.g. a break would be appropriate. If necessary, the entrepreneur can adjust the work schedules and in this way minimize the absence of the drivers caused by illness.

Integration der Vitalwerte in die Telematik von Astrata

"Eine Integration in unser Telematiksystem würde es den Transportunternehmen erlauben, sich regelmäßig über das Wohlbefinden ihrer Fahrer zu informieren. Dadurch ließe sich auch das Flottenmanagement verbessern", erläutert Schallock. Und zu guter Letzt würden dadurch auch die Straßen ein gutes Stück sicherer, ist er überzeugt.

Integration of the vital signs

"An integration in our telematics system would allow the haulage contractors to be regularily informed about the wellbeing of their drivers. Thus the fleet management could be improved", explains Schallock. And last but not least, he is convinced that roads would be much safer.

Unsere Experten
Harry Binhammer, Rechtsanwalt und Fachanwalt für Arbeitsrecht Harry Binhammer Fachanwalt für Arbeitsrecht
Experte für Flottenmanagement und angewandte Mobilitätsangebote Rolf Lübke Mobilität, Fuhrpark (inkl. Wasserstoff-Expertise)
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