Back country container network Contargo to expand rail traffic

Contargo will Bahnverkehre ausbauen Foto: Claudia Wild

Customers can portray and describe their visions of the future at container network Contargo‘s exhibition stand.

Note your ideas of digitization and expectations of Contargo on digital whiteboards, says Heinrich Kerstgens, the Duisburg-based company‘s co-managing director.
The company, which nowadays operates 25 terminals in six countries, has transported approximately 2.3 million 20-foot containers in the past year, about 65 percent of which on barges. But Contargo also expects and is pushing for more growth in rail freight transport, which holds a share of 33 percent of the model split to date. „In the long run, we‘re planning a long-term ratio of 50:50 of rail to barge,“ said Kerstgens at a press briefing at the transport logistic. Contargo Rail Services (CRS), the subsidiary founded only ten months ago, is supposed to organize all rail transports in the entire network from now on. As in the barge sector, in which Contargo operates 42 of their own barges and 10 pushed barges, the rail sector is also going to be equipped with their own vehicles in form of rail cars. Depending on utilization.  According to Kerstgens, consideration for further connections originating in  Wörth, the Oberrhein and Frankfurt-West is pending and under discussion.

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Harry Binhammer, Rechtsanwalt und Fachanwalt für Arbeitsrecht Harry Binhammer Fachanwalt für Arbeitsrecht
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